cife Intercollegiate Articles are a series of technical articles written by individual cife colleges discussing issues pertinent to the Sixth Form college sector. cife also publish general sixth-form advice articles.
One thing, possibly the only thing, to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic as a positive, is the fact that just about every teacher in the land ‘upskilled’ themselves massively to become expert users in Zoom, MS Teams, Google Classrooms, Seneca for Science and other such platforms.
Read more →The coronavirus crisis has clearly dominated all of our lives since at least early March, including all of us involved in education. With the announcement that schools and colleges were to be closed physically, teachers and students had to adapt quickly to other methods of learning if
Read more →Extra-curricula enrichment activities have long been a mainstay of schools and colleges both across the UK and around the world. For many institutions, this means incorporating a range of activities into the existing curriculum for which students can enrol. Indeed, many Cife colleges offer a variety of
Read more →Testing, testing, one two, one two … “There’ll be a test next week.” The above sentence contains the word that many students dread. A test?, they might think. What a waste of time! We should be doing something useful instead, like getting on with learning new stuff.
Read more →It is generally recognised that when someone has an extensive vocabulary they are more able to express themselves and communicate with greater accuracy and clarity. Yet, does this advantage extend to career advancement and earning potential? Does having a richer vocabulary change the way we think and
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