Article in summary

The article describes the 2014 CIFE awards ceremony at the House of Lords, and outlines the individual award winners' achievements.

Article in detail

At the annual CIFE Academic Awards Presentation held at the House of Lords on Wednesday 19th March, Lord Lexden presented awards for academic excellence to thirty-eight CIFE college students who achieved outstanding results last summer.

The Gold Award winner, Stanislau Yatskevich from Belarus, was an A-level student at Bosworth College, Northampton. He achieved A* in all five of his A-level subjects – Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Russian. He is currently studying medicine in Melbourne, Australia, but has been accepted to read Biochemistry at Oxford University from September 2014. He said: "I am really thrilled to have been chosen to receive the CIFE Gold Award. Bosworth College provided me with a really friendly environment in which to study. Throughout my studies I always felt I was able to receive the full attention of all the teachers with any questions I had. I miss the many friends I made whilst I was studying there, but the experience gave me the confidence to move onto to higher education in the UK."

Lord Lexden praised CIFE award winners. He said: " CIFE colleges bring together an extraordinarily diverse range of students from Britain and other countries. These young people of many nations have one thing above all in common: a passion for learning and achievement. Today we pay tribute to a glittering series of examination results which are the result of the unique CIFE partnership between brilliant students and outstanding teachers." All of the A level award winners are now studying or have places to study at top UK universities.

The CIFE Awards Ceremony is kindly sponsored by 360 Education

Some of the 2014 CIFE Award winners on the terrace of the House of Lords

2014 CIFE Award winners are pictured above .

CIFE Academic Awards

CIFE Gold Award
This is the top award, and was won by Stanislau Yatskevich (Bosworth College)

CIFE awards for Sciences
Emily Ko Yiu Hui (Cambridge Tutors College)
Natthawut Adulyanukosol (Cambridge Centre for Sixth-form Studies)
Cordelia Sands (MPW London)

CIFE Andrew Osmond Maths awards
Zhaoxi (Teresa) Wang (Bosworth College)
Babafikayomi (Baba) Bob-Soile (Bosworth College)
Tanut Treetanthiploet (Cambridge Centre for Sixth-Form Studies)
Tian Jin (Chelsea Independent College)

CIFE award for Economics
Trang Phuong Cao (Cambridge Tutors College)

CIFE awards for Humanities and English
Adrian Chew Kay Hian (Cambridge Tutors College)
Fahrid Chishty (MPW London)
Walker Pappin (Collingham)
Jonathan Spelman (MPW London)

CIFE award for Visual and Creative Arts
Isabella Speaight (Collingham)

CIFE award for Languages
Emily Taplin (Collingham)

CIFE awards for Social Sciences
Mizuho Hashimoto (DLD)
He Jiayu (Joyce) (Brooke House College)

CIFE Value Added award
Tom Price (Bath Academy)

CIFE award for GCSE
Peter Akindele (MPW London)

Paul Kitchener Memorial Award
Ruqqaiya Inuwa (Bath Academy)

Baroness Perry Award
Alexia Wight (MPW London)

CIFE College Awards

Ashbourne College Grace Tucker

Bath Academy Fanbo Kong

Bosworth College Munir Abukhder

Brooke House College Zainab Mohammed

Cambridge Centre for Sixth-form Studies Hannah Smart

Cambridge Tutors College Bryan Thor Yen Jun

Carfax Daria Rybak

Chelsea Independent College Faith Ndungwani

Collingham Amba Jackson

DLD Belgravia (Abbey College) Huong Vu (Vivian)

DLD Marylebone Sintija Eisaka

Duff Miller Joana Ribeiro

Lansdowne Alexander Green

MPW Birmingham Nathan Tomlinson

MPW London Tuan Truong Van Nguyen

Oxford International College Juan Vasquez-Garrido

Oxford Tutorial College Hugh Squire