We are offering a number of scholarships, of up to 100% of the tuition fee, for courses commencing in September 2019 for A level students.

Applicants and their parents/guardian will be required to attend an interview with the Vice Principals which will be arranged by the Head of Admissions once the scholarship application has been received.  When awarding scholarships, the College will consider predicted and achieved GCSE/IGCSE results, performance at interview, school reports and references.

Scholarship Application Process

To be considered for the September 2019 scholarships we must receive your application by midday Friday 12 July 2019.

In order to apply please follow the steps below

  • Complete and return the Application Form
  • Send a copy of your passport to verify identity
  • Send a copy of your school reports for the academic year 2017-18 and 2018-19
  • Send a copy of your predicted grades for IGCSE/GCSE
  • A disclosure of any GCSEs or other examination previously taken

Documents should be sent to Ms Jeni Care, Head of Admissions, David Game College, 31 Jewry Street, EC3N 2ET or admissions@davidgamecollege.com

The direct link to the page is: https://www.davidgamecollege.com/2425/a-level-scholarships