This year CTC will again be hosting our highly successful Summer School for students aged from 13 to 18 in partnership with Academic Summer. The Summer School will take place from Saturday 27th June to Saturday 11th July 2015 and is open to both UK and international
Read more →Of all grades achieved by our 2014 leavers: 17% = A* 53% = A* or A 73% = A* to B 86% = A* to C Among this year’s top students was local student Le Gia Linh Tran,who came to CTC from St Marks Academy in
Read more →Setting a new record for the college, Ashbourne’s students achieved 54% A/A* grades in their A level exams, with over 76% of A level exam results reaching B grade or above. Set against the tougher standard set by the A-level exam boards and the increased competition for
Read more →We are pleased to announce the following students have done exceptionally well in their A Levels and will be attending some of the top universities in the UK. We would like to congratulate: Melissa Danvers on achieving AAA in Maths, French and Spanish. Melissa will be attending
Read more →Like students all over the country, students at Bosworth Independent College received their A-level results this week. With 72% of final grades being A*, A or B, we far exceeded the national average yet again. We offer congratulations to all of our students who achieved the grades
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