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CIFE College News Articles

MPW London students win nine CIFE Prizes

MPW London

Each year CIFE awards prizes to students who have done exceptionally well. 36 prizes were awarded in 2015 across all CIFE colleges, so we were really proud to see MPW London students picking up 9 awards this year – our best ever haul! The picture at the

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Four MPW Birmingham students win 2015 CIFE Prizes

MPW Birmingham

CIFE Prizes are awarded for exceptional achievement, and are fiercely contested. we’re therefore delighted that four MPW Birmingham students received Prizes in 2015. Prizes were presented at a ceremony in the House of Lords, where the picture at the foot of this article was taken. Kevin Cui

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Lansdowne student honoured with 2015 CIFE Award

Lansdowne College

Onon Bayasglan received a CIFE Award this March for his exceptional contribution to Lansdowne . He received the award from CIFE President Lord Lexden at a ceremony in the House of Lords. Onon (pictured right with Lord Lexden) arrived a little late to the GCSE cohort at

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Duff Miller student receives 2015 CIFE Award

Duff Miller Sixth-form College

Mehrbod Keshavarzi received a CIFE Award for his exceptional contribution to college life. The prize was presented by CIFE President Lord Lexden at a ceremony in the House of Lords this March. Mehrbod started his studies with us in September 2012 and immediately shone academically in what

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Bosworth students win four CIFE awards in 2015

Bosworth Independent College

Each year CIFE awards prizes to exceptional students from member colleges. To receive a prize does not just require top results, but exceptional contribution to college life. We’re delighted to announce that, for the second year running, Bosworth students received four CIFE awards, including the top Gold

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