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CIFE College News Articles

Lansdowne College student wins 2016 CIFE Award

Lansdowne College

We’re delighted to announce that JiHo Park has been awarded a 2016 CIFE College Prize for his outstanding contribution to life at Lansdowne College. JiHo (pictured right with CIFE President Lord Lexden) started Year 10 at Lansdowne in September 2014, joining us from South Korea.  He is

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Regent Independent College student wins 2016 CIFE Award

Regent Independent College

We’re pleased to announce that Regent College student Shaina Haria received an award at the 2016 CIFE Prizes ceremony, hosted by CIFE President Lord Lexden in the House of Lords in March 2016.  Shaina is an outstanding student. She is one of the most mature, polite and

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Brooke House College students win two CIFE Prizes in 2016

Brooke House College

Each year CIFE award prizes to the very best students in its member colleges and we’re delighted to announce that Brooke House College students won two 2016 awards. Vo Hung Huu won an Andrew Osmond Maths Award, and Dan Ning won a college prize for her outstanding

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Carfax student wins 2016 CIFE Prize

Carfax College

We’re delighted that Carfax student Huaqing Hong was awarded a 2016 CIFE Prize for his outstanding contribution to college life.  Huaqing moved from China in the summer of 2014. He joined Carfax College in order to complete his A levels in one year and apply to continue

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OSFC student wins 2016 CIFE Prize

Oxford Sixth Form College

We’re delighted to announce that Mary Gompertz has been awarded a 2016 College Award for her outstanding contribution to life at Oxford Sixth Form College.  Mary (pictured here receiving her award from CIFE President Lord Lexden) joined OSFC in September 2014. From her first weeks at the college,

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