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CIFE College News Articles

Meet our students

MPW London

There is no one ‘typical’ MPW London student and we are joined each year by people with varying interests from varying backgrounds. What they have in common is a friendly, open approach, a mature attitude and a desire to achieve their highest potential. We make great efforts

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What’s been happening at Cherwell

Cherwell College

Over the last few months our students have enjoyed a wide range of activites, including: Cherwell Green Team Professorial Talk by Neil Clark on ‘Trump – What Can We Expect?’ Professorial Talk by Dr Magnus Moar on ‘Is Human Wickedness a Result of Nature or Nurture?’ Trip

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Regent Independent College student receives 2017 CIFE Award

Regent Independent College

We were delighted to see Alinah Yar receive a 2017 CIFE Award this April for her exceptional contribution to life at Regent College. She received the award from CIFE President Lord Lexden at a ceremony in the House of Lords. Alinah joined Regent College in 2014 and

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OSFC student receives 2017 CIFE Award

Oxford Sixth Form College

We’re proud to report that Alice Taylor received a 2017 CIFE Award this April for her exceptional contribution to life at Oxford Sixth Form College. She received the award from CIFE President Lord Lexden at a ceremony in the House of Lords. We feel privileged to have

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MPW London students scoop 8 CIFE awards in 2017

MPW London

Each year CIFE awards prizes to students who have done exceptionally well. 38 prizes were awarded in 2017, so we were delighted to see MPW London students pick up 8 awards this year. Prizes were presented by CIFE President Lord Lexden at a ceremony held in the

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