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CIFE College News Articles

Brilliant A level results 2017

Westminster Tutors Independent Sixth Form College

We are very proud of our students, who have achieved some excellent A level results this year! Initial data shows that 41% of all grades are A*-A – which is well above the national average of 26% – and a staggering 83% are A*-B. Congratulations to all!

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Final University Destinations 2017

Westminster Tutors Independent Sixth Form College

Our students’ university destinations are now pretty much finalised and we are able to publish our full list. We really have had an astounding year with 70% confirmed at Russell Group universities and 87% of our (very happy) students going on to their first choice universities. Our

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Unconditional Offer from Oxford University

Westminster Tutors Independent Sixth Form College

Many congratulations to our scholarship student and former Head Girl Immy Hequet who has received an unconditional offer from Oxford University. After achieving great A level results last summer, and not entirely content with the prospect of starting at Cornell in the US, Immy decided to apply

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UK Maths Tournament success for Ashbourne

Ashbourne Independent Sixth-form College

A team of Ashbourne’s top Maths students finished second in the UKMT Senior Team Mathematics Challenge (West London regional heat). West London is a really tough region to compete in, as it contains some of Britain’s most highly ranked schools, such as St Paul’s and Eton College.

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Ashbourne students win academic awards

Ashbourne Independent Sixth-form College

We are pleased to announce that 2 Ashers, Jamie G and Dean Z, have won prizes in the annual Cife awards contest. Jamie was one of 3 winners of a Science award and Dean similarly for Mathematics. Cife (The Council for Independent Education) is an association of

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