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CIFE College News Articles

David Game scholarships for 2020

David Game College

David Game College are looking to offer a range of Music and Music Technology scholarships for GCSE and A Level Music and Music Technology students for September 2020 entry, including: *10% *25% *50% *100% 10%, 25%, 50% and 100% discount of the tuition fee in the academic year

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David Game college considered OUTSTANDING by Ofsted

David Game College

We are very pleased to announce we have been considered OUTSTANDING in all categories by Ofsted for a second time in succession, 2017 and 2020. We will continue to provide a quality of service and dedication to purpose in these challenging times. Please stay safe and we

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New Science Building completed

Brooke House College

The College’s latest addition to its academic buildings will open next term with 6 new laboratories, 2 IT suites for the teaching of ICT and Computing, along with a new Prep room, reprographics area and associated toilet facilities. The laboratories have been built by Labform, a well-established

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New Boarding House for the College

Brooke House College

The College is continuing to add to its stock of boarding house accommodation to deliver the best boarding experience possible to our pupils. After the addition of London House as an U18 boarding house this summer, increasing demand has led to the purchase of the historic coaching

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Another highly successful University Fair

Brooke House College

Our programme of offering the best support and advice to our potential university students has continued through the term. We have been delighted with the response of several of our former pupils who have joined our ‘returning alumni’ scheme, which involves them coming back into the college

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