We thought you might like to hear about what our students have been doing recently…

Science Club

Michaelmas term saw lively participation in Science Club, which sustained weekly meetings. Science Club meets every Thursday evening and features different students presenting topics of their choosing. Students create their presentations individually or as a team. Michaelmas terms’ presentations were varied in subject matter from ‘Innovation in Robo-Technology’ to ‘Mind-altering Hallucinogens’. The entire cohort either attended or presented at Science Club, and showed an active engagement with the topics that had been researched by our presenters.

Oxford Union Debates

Cherwell College’s students are very privileged in that they have been granted the opportunity to become members of the world-famous Oxford Union. The College held seven debate workshops this Michaelmas term, in collaboration with the Oxford Union. The first of these workshops was an introduction to British Parliamentary debating, which covered the format and types of arguments appropriate for debates.  Other debate topics for this term at Cherwell College have included “This House believes that Trump is good for America” and debates on inheritance tax, US involvement in the Middle East and the suitability of Grammar Schools in the 21st Century. Cherwell College also assisted the Oxford Union in hosting the world renowned Inter-Varsity Debating Competition. Five dedicated volunteers from the student body at Cherwell College volunteered at this event, assisting debaters from around the world.

Maths Challenge

Several of our students competed this year in the Senior Maths Challenge, with outstanding results. We had two Gold certificate winners, which requires a score in the top 10% of students nationally. We also were awarded a Silver and Bronze certificate.

Christmas Gala Dinner

On December 9th, Cherwell House played host to the annual Christmas Dinner. This was a special occasion, attended by both staff and students alike. Highlights included a chocolate fountain and a beautiful Christmas tree . All students received a gift from Cherwell College, and the atmosphere was festive and warm. Our students each gave presentations about major religious or civic festivals in their home countries; this proved a valuable opportunity to take advantage of the multi-culturalism of Cherwell College’s student body.

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