Improve Python Programming and Reveal the Mysteries of AI This Summer

This summer is promising! For those curious about the magic behind Artificial Intelligence, Cherwell College Oxford is launching the AI & Innovation Summer Camp. Students will reveal machine learning key concepts, design principles, and classic algorithms from the widely used traditional to the booming technology of deep learning and neural networks. The guided projects will thrill to solve real-world problems employing what is learnt and enjoy another challenge of building AI projects from scratch. Students will understanding the blockchain and discover computational thinking, and improve the problem-solving with Python.


Debate Workshops Every Friday

Every Friday afternoon, we assemble at the Admin & Study Center of Cherwell College Oxford for a week’s round-up with Mr. Sean Murphy, our senior tutor in History and Politics, a former BBC researcher, and an author of the book on the Second World War. Over the past couple of weeks, we had agile discussions of topical, regional news all over the globe.


Vibrant Weekends At Cherwell

The exams season of Trinity Term keeps our students busy. Nonetheless, we still manage to have reviving activities during the weekend to keep the spirits up! This tends to help everyone re-energise and keep the stress levels down. Fresh air, inspiring nature, and long walks are making it the best possible way. When blessed with good sunny days, our students are engaged into the walks and activities in the parks. But even when drizzle, the surprising English weather has no chances to scare Cherwellians off from the planned punting and great time spent by the river. Many more exciting activities are to come. Meanwhile, Cherwellians have to dive into the new busy week with exams.


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