As a College that focuses on trying to ensure great results for every individual, and knowing that all our students and teachers have worked exceptionally hard in preparation for examinations. A-level Results Day is always a nervous wait. Therefore we are delighted to report this year’s results have yet again outperformed the UK national average with 71% achieving A* to B grades and 86% achieving A* to C grades.

Fiona Pocock, Principal at Bosworth believes, It is wonderfully rewarding to learn of the top grades and excellent university outcomes achieved by our students.  The national press and public bodies can react to exam results with statistics and point towards trends but for us, the results are about individuals!  We’ve worked with them usually over several years and have shared their challenges and witnessed some of the hardships they have endured so as to reach their full potential.  Our whole staff share in the success of our students and we are thrilled now to have evidence that effort and dedication pay off.

We offer huge congratulations to all of our students who can now move to the next stage of their careers, they are all success stories in our eyes, but highlighted below are some of the highest achievers – with three students gaining places at Oxford and Cambridge:

Nicole Gray (British) A*A*A*a achieved in Biology, Psychology, Geography and Maths and she has been accepted to read Human Sciences at the University of Oxford. Nicole sums up her experience, To sum up my time at Bosworth in 5 words; diverse, friendly, comfortable, focused and relaxed. The personal advice and assistance given by the teaching staff has really helped me.

Toyin Ihinmikalu (Nigerian) A*AAB achieved in Psychology, Government & Politics, Biology and English Literature and she has been accepted to read Law at Lady Margaret Hall College, University of Oxford. Toyin told us, It was interesting being taught by such amazing and experienced teachers. The smaller-than-average class sizes and the individualised interactions between teachers and students made it highly enjoyable.

Debbie Chisom Ifeobu (Nigerian) A*A*A*Ab achieved in Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Economics and she has been accepted to read Engineering at Christ’s College, University of Cambridge.

Eniola Ayodele (British) AAAb achieved in Biology, Chemistry, Maths and English Literature and he has been accepted to read Medicine at the University of Manchester. Eniola tells us in detail, The medical school application process can be quite convoluted and is definitely extremely competitive. Bosworth has provided me with exceptional support in this journey, from arranging talks with leading local Doctors, to multiple full mock medical (MMI) interviews. As a result, I was as best prepared for my real interviews as I could have been, which may not have been the case had I been a student elsewhere. Bosworth is the best thing that has happened to me.

Joy Ho Sze Nip (Hong Kong) A*A*A*A*A achieved in Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Further Maths and Chinese and she has been accepted to read Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London. Joy explains, The teaching is flexible, for example the one-year maths course and providing extra lessons to meet the needs of each individual student.

Valerie Xing Yee Ho (Malaysian) A*AAa achieved in Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics and she has been accepted to read Dentistry at Kings College London. Valerie explains, The teachers were extremely helpful and were always ready to help us whenever we needed guidance.

Trung Kien Nguyen (Vietnamese) A*A*A*B achieved in Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths and Physics and he has been accepted to read Chemical Engineering at University College London.

Masem Abbas (Irish) A*A*A*A achieved in Economics, Chemistry, Maths and Physics and he has been accepted to read Engineering (Chemical) at Univers ity College London. The hard work of the teachers has helped to keep me motivated right to the end, especially the encouragement from Mrs Johnstone (Head of Chemistry) and Mr Jones (Vice Principal).

The individual care and attention each student receives at the College will continue to ensure that each individual can fulfil their academic potential and we will remain proud to follow this year’s cohort as they progress and grow in their chosen fields.

Nicole Gray and Masem Abbas are pictured below.
