Giorgio joined CTC from Japan, on to our one-year A-level course. He came with limited previous academic studies within the UK system.

He enrolled for three subjects at A level: Mathematics, Spanish and Photography. As we began to understand his abilities in languages he soon dropped Mathematics and Photography and took up Japanese and Italian and attained A* grades in all three languages. Apart from his academic ability in languages, Giorgio made fantastic progress in the year in his social development. He had struggled with interacting with others and it was a great privilege to see his progress during the year. He is a fantastic young man who will really shine at university. Giorgio had an interest in languages for many years and he is currently studying Modern Languages at university in Barcelona.

I cannot think of any student or teacher who has not enjoyed Giorgio’s company at some point during the year he was at CTC. He was reliable and always willing to join in with extra-curricular activities when he was in college. He was a pleasure to have at our college.