David Game College are looking to offer a range of Music and Music Technology scholarships for GCSE and A Level Music and Music Technology students for September 2020 entry, including:


10%, 25%, 50% and 100% discount of the tuition fee in the academic year 2020-21.

Applicants for our A level & GCSE Music Scholarships will be asked to submit the following;

  • Cover letter/personal statement from the student
  • Details of your last exam in your chosen instrument: A Level candidate Grade 6 or higher, GCSE Grade 4 or higher
  • A recording of a performance, lasting approximately 2 minutes.

Any applicant invited to an interview will also need to perform a piece of their choice and may be asked to undertake sight reading, music theory or other tests to demonstrate knowledge and ability. A reference of recommendation from your Music/Peripatetic teacher may also be required.

When awarding scholarships, the key elements we are likely to consider are applicants’ test scores, performance at interview, school reports and references.   

You must submit your application by Friday 5th June 2020. Online interviews will commence from Monday 8th June 2020. 

Apply online today by visiting our website here: https://www.davidgamecollege.com/3189/a-level-gcse-music-scholarships-in-london