Each year CIFE awards prizes to exceptional students from member colleges. To receive a prize does not just require top results, but exceptional contribution to college life. We’re delighted to announce that, for the second year running, Bosworth students received four CIFE awards, including the top Gold Award, which went to Cliff Chung.

In the picture below, taken at the House of Lords awards ceremony, Cliff is second from the left, with college award winner Omolemo Monyatsi third left and Bosworth College Principal Fiona Pocock on the right.

Bosworth's 2015 Award winners with Fiona Pocock

Cliff, from Hong Kong, joined Bosworth Independent College on a 2-year A-level course. His exceptional achievement of A* in Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Psychology with grade A in every unit and 14 out of 22 papers with full marks plus his grade A in Chinese and B in the Extended Project have helped him secure the CIFE Gold Award. His Extended Project was entitled, “The role of conformity in students’ participation in extracurricular activities” was based on experiments he had conducted himself in Hong Kong.

Cliff was awarded Silver Medal in the Chemistry Olympiad and a Gold Medal in the Biology Olympiad. He was awarded a place at Robinson College, Cambridge, to study Psychology and Behavioural Science, Psychology having been his passion for many years. Not only is Cliff Incredibly well-organised, he is also very friendly, courteous, considerate and inquisitive. Above all, he is enthusiastic about everything he does. His teachers describe him as “astute”, “sparky”, “brilliant”, “driven”, “meticulous” and “talented”.

Samson Law and Jaekyeong Lee won CIFE Awards for Science. Samson, from Hong Kong, did A-levels in one year at Bosworth . He achieved A* Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics alongside grade A in Further Maths, even though initially he had enrolled to take only 3 A-levels! Since he had no opportunity to sit any exams in January this meant he took 30 exams in May and June including 6 practicals.

Samson was awarded a Silver Medal in the Biology Olympiad. He played in the college basketball team and won the “Basketball Player of the Year” award. He is an amazing young man who is as modest as he is hardworking as he is clever. Samson hopes to be accepted to study Medicine.

Jae studied on Bosworth’s 18 month A-level course attaining A* in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics. This led to her being offered a place to read Engineering at St Edmund’s College, Cambridge. She was awarded a Bronze Medal in the Physics Olympiad.

Jae was Bosworth’s only student from Korea and made friends from a wide nationality group. Whilst in the UK she used vacations to travel to many other cities, pursuing her interest in art and architecture.

Jae’s Personal Tutor commented very soon after her arrival that she had “a great deal of mathematical and scientific talent’. Her Maths teacher similarly recognised her potential noting, “she applies concepts with consummate ease and skill’.

Omolemo Monyatsi from Botswana was awarded a CIFE College Prize. She joined us for a 2-year A-level course. She attained A* in Maths and Chemistry alongside A in Further Maths and Physics plus A in her Extended Project. Omolemo was a Bosworth pioneer for the Extended Project, and helped set the standards with her Project, entitled ‘Financial illiteracy and consumer indebtedness’. In the Chemistry Olympiad Omolemo attained a Silver Medal. She achieved 44 Bosworth Merits in her AS year, the highest number in her cohort that year.

Omolemo was a key player in Bosworth’s volleyball team. She won first place in Bosworth’s Fun Run for Sports Aid and was awarded the accolade of ‘most valued sports player’ at end of her AS year

Teachers describe Omolemo as being “kind, mature, dedicated and respected.” She says she is “ambitious, hardworking and vibrant.” We would not disagree!