Four A-level students at Bosworth Independent College have rallied their academic resources to scale the steep inclines and endure the rocky terrain that goes along with the stresses of academic study resulting in at least four A* grades each.

Youssef Ahmed, 18, from Egypt attained A* grades in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Mathematics, adding a 5th A* in Arabic as a spare! Youssef has exceeded the requirements of his conditional offer from Imperial College to study Biomedical Engineering and therefore has 5 days in what is known as UCAS Adjustment in which either to accept this offer or to seek an alternative if he so chooses. Youssef has always wanted to study in the bio-medical field and may be tempted to seek a place to study Medicine.

Kelenna Amadi, 17, from Nigeria has secured a place to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bristol with A* grades in Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Further Mathematics.

Thao Dan Vu, known as Ariadne, 18, from Vietnam gained A* grades in Sociology, Mathematics, History and Economics, securing her place to study Law at Durham University. To have achieved the top A* grade in three subjects that are particularly essay-heavy is an outstanding achievement for a non-native speaker of English.

Jin Zheng , 19, from China, has A* grades in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Further Mathematics. He has a place to study Engineering at the University of Cambridge.

Other students who achieved exceptionally strongly include:

Lik Theng Ho, 18, from Malaysia has achieved A* grades in Biology, Mathematics and Chemistry alongside an A grade in Physics. She has a highly-competitive place at the University of Southampton to study Marine Biology.

Ke Wang, known as Coco, 18, from China, who has exceeded the requirements for her place at Imperial College to study Geophysics with her A* grades in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry with an A in Chinese and Siyuan Wang, known as Shirley, 19, from China who has A* grades in Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics plus B grades in Economics and Chinese. She has a place at the University of Warwick to study Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics.

Alongside this our British success stories at A-level include, Georgia Jeffrey who achieved A* in Psychology and A grades in Geography and Biology. She progresses from Bosworth to her first choice university of Edinburgh to read Geography. We are equally delighted for Edward Furlong who has secured his place on the popular course of Food Science with Business, which includes a year in industry at the University of Reading with his AAB results in Biology, Geography and Economics.

Last year’s British high-achievers at GCSE have gone on to continue their success at AS Level. Masem Abbas has achieved 4 A grades in Chemistry, Economics, Maths and Physics and Nicole Gray has achieved 4 A grades in Biology, Geography, Maths and Psychology. We look forward to tracking their university progression next year.

Of course we are delighted by the excellent attainment of these outstanding students” says Fiona Pocock, Principal of Bosworth Independent College. “However, we are equally proud of all our candidates who have worked so hard with the tireless support and encouragement of their teachers to reach their full potential. It is exceptionally rewarding to work with a young person whose effort, dedication and focus lead to well-deserved results.