We’re delighted to report that Bath Academy student Henry Gould received a 2016 CIFE Prize at the awards ceremony in the House of Lords this March.

Henry came to Bath Academy to study A Levels. Henry had longstanding difficulties with anxiety at school, but also had the drive to achieve and after more or less teaching himself for GCSEs, had gained good grades. On arrival at Bath Academy Henry again slipped into old patterns of avoidance. At the end of his less than sparkling AS Levels he was advised to leave, which seemed to rekindle his desire to remain in college. Henry is a consummate salesman – the Principal said to the Director of Studies “I have put my foot down with Henry and told him he cannot return, but he came into my office and lifted it up again.” Henry then progressed from a regime of almost distance learning to full time attendance by the end of his studies. He displayed the grit and determination to turn his situation around and last summer achieved a place at Goldsmiths.

Henry with his family at the 2016 CIFE Awards ceremony.
