Ashbourne is very pleased to inform that four of last year’s graduating students have won awards at the annual Cife (Conference for Independent Education) competition. Each year Cife colleges are invited to nominate students for academic awards in Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Economics, Humanities, Languages, Social Sciences, and Visual and Creative Arts. There are also special awards for ‘value-added’ (generally retake students), GCSE, the Baroness Perry award for singular and noteworthy achievement as well as the Gold award for the most outstanding student. Each college is also entitled to designate one student as its student of the year. The award ceremony takes place in March each year at the House of Lords. Not unnaturally, it is highly popular with the parents of the winners, who are also invited to attend.

Our four winning students stood out for their grade achievements in subjects such as English Literature, Geography, History, History of Art, Media Studies, Classics, Drama, Economics and Spanish. Each student achieved at least A*A*A grades in their examinations.

Each won an award in the Humanities category. The competition for these awards is so fierce that it is rare to win even one award in any given category but this time, Ashbourne swept the board in Humanities, winning all four awards. To give you an idea of the excellence on display, another one of our students achieved 3A* grades in Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics, including 596/600 in Mathematics and 562/600 in Further Mathematics, and was the fifth best performing student in the Mathematics category.

Congratulations to all who helped produce this success – a fabulous performance!