Ashbourne final-year A level students won gold awards in the first round of the British Physics Olympiads (2019), putting them in the top 100, while the first year students scooped awards in the AS Challenge.

Top row from left – Peter Stanton (Physics teacher) and AS Physics Challenge participants; Top right and front row –
Mike Kirby (Principle) and  A2 British Physics Olympiad participants


The British Physics Olympiad (BPhO) is annual competition run by an independent organisation within Oxford University Physics department. Budding young physicists from across the UK are invited to sit a 2 hour 45 minute paper designed to challenge their understanding and problem solving skills.Those making it into the top 50 go on to the second round and finalists qualify for training at Oxford and a chance to represent Britain in the International Physics Olympiad. Students winning any certificate in the BPhO are considered very able Physicists according to the competition organisers. The AS Challenge, set by the same group, comprises a one-hour paper devised to stimulate and challenge first-year Physics students and is a precursor for the BPhO.

Ashbourne runs a very successful Physics department. Find out more about studying at the college.