Ashbourne students are a talented bunch, and include some world-class achievers. Read on…

Xiaoyu Weng
Xiaoyu Weng receives award from Ashboune Principal Mike KirbyBehind Xiaoyu’s outstanding exam results (A* in each of Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry) is a virtually flawless track record in class work. Her natural ability, focus, discipline, and organization make her the best mathematics student in the school. She is a courteous, conscientious and unwavering in her commitment. Often she will take the lead in showing others how to solve problems, and she frequently asks questions that go way beyond the syllabus.  She well deserves her Cambridge University place to read Mathematics.

Soala Ajieka
Soala Ajieka at work in Ashbourne Art StudioSoala is a totally committed and dedicated student. She readily grasps the theoretical framework that provides context for the study of art and architecture. In her artwork she shows strong organisational skills and understands how contextual research helps the development of her ideas. She is very much ‘hands-on’, open to trying new ways to extend her visual vocabulary, and she enjoys the combining materials in a richly tactile way – employing paint, collage, inks and mixed media to produce a cohesive whole. Her ability to integrate study of architecture into her own vision of architectural style and function was well demonstrated in her excellent EPQ project. She gained Art A*, History of Art A*, Mathematics A*, Physics A* at A level, and will flourish reading Architecture at Cambridge.