Jason Lewis joined Bosworth Independent College as Principal in August 2020.

I believe that education is a great responsibility and privilege. This website will give you a glimpse of what we offer at Bosworth. We strive to grow well educated, confident and resilient individuals who are ready to become future leaders. At Bosworth, we understand that parents are looking for two key aspects from a school; the support to enable your child to progress to the best possible university and course for them, balanced by a nurturing environment which supports students to develop socially, whilst being happy.

At Bosworth, we are confident that we are able to fulfil both of these aspects whilst providing a third dimension of having our students study in a multicultural environment. Multiculturism is the reality in the world in which we all live in today. Studying at Bosworth causes students to understand and respect each other’s backgrounds and points of view. This is something which they will find incredibly useful in their future lives. It also makes lessons at Bosworth far more interesting than at a school with one predominant nationality. Each student arrives with their own view of what is ‘normal’ and the discussions which ensue once all of these ideas are expressed in one space is truly fascinating.

We understand that to achieve their potential students need excellent teaching and individual support. Our students benefit from high levels of attention from their teachers, their Personal Tutor and their House Parents. All of these people set high expectations for our students, which they therefore share. The encouragement provided by all staff to students helps them to attain their goals. Our academic programmes offer significant flexibility from so that students are able to follow the best path for them through their studies at Bosworth and on to university.

Bosworth is a multicultural and diverse school with high expectations of all who are members of our community. An excellent school expects its students to be inquisitive, ambitious, dedicated and resilient. These are all the traits of our student community. We nurture their intellectual spirit and challenge them to become independent and take on leadership. An emphasis is put on academics and extracurricular activities, as a healthy balance creates a well-rounded individual ready to tackle the challenges of our ever-evolving world.

Jason Lewis