
Sean Doherty BEd, MA, MBA


86 Old Brompton Rd


+44 (0)20 7584 1288

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Our College

Established in 1934, Westminster Tutors is one of the oldest and most respected independent sixth form colleges in the UK. Our reputation for academic excellence now spans over 90 years, and our most recent inspection (ISI, 2024) rated us as exceeding expectations overall, and excellent in all categories.

Our sixth form offers tailored A level courses according to individual requirements, with one-to-one or very small-group teaching. In addition, each student receives weekly one-to-one mentoring sessions to support academic progress and wellbeing. We also offer flexible A level retake courses, Oxbridge and admissions test preparation, Easter revision courses, private tuition and we serve as an exam centre for private candidates, including students with access arrangements.

Located in central London, our art-adorned college has an informal, welcoming atmosphere. We are five minutes’ walk from South Kensington underground, and our location offers easy access for students from all over London and beyond. Although non-selective, our tailored approach helps students achieve outstanding A level results and our university destinations are second to none.

Our Tutors

Since 1934 we have built our reputation on our teachers and they remain our greatest asset today. The majority have both undergraduate and master’s degrees from top universities, and many have PhDs.

As well as their academic expertise, our teachers are passionate about their subjects and develop a deep understanding of the best approach to support each of their students.

Our Approach

What makes Westminster Tutors so special is that we remain true to our tutorial college origins, either teaching one-to-one or in very small groups of two or three students. We are have a unique approach to offering students individual mentoring on a weekly basis. Mentoring sessions provide support on study skills, organisation and planning, along with targeted support for students with specific needs.
We are rightly ambitious for all our students, and our expert guidance UCAS applications and careers provides each one of them highest quality individual advice.

Flexibility is key, with personalised timetables that accommodate study sessions and a range of extracurricular activities, as well as commuting requirements if students travel from further afield.

For students joining us midway through their A levels or for A level retake courses, we offer a seamless transition continuing them on the same syllabus, and we never put students studying different exam boards or units in the same group.

The success of our approach speaks for itself. Our students leave Westminster Tutors as happy, confident adults who are ready to take up their places at some of the best universities in the country.


Whether moving from another school, retaking A levels, or re-entering education, Westminster Tutors is committed to helping you succeed. Due to our small size and high levels of demand, places are limited.

The admissions process involves a visit to the college and an interview with our Principal, Sean Doherty, so that we can ensure we can meet your needs.

Contact us today to find out what we can do for you!

Lotte’s Success Story “I was a retake student at WT, I came in with BCC and finished with AAB. The teachers were incredible as I never thought it was possible for me to achieve an A in Economics. The 1 to 1 teaching is extremely beneficial and not only the teachers, but all the staff are so attentive and supportive.

I had to go into clearing on results day as I missed my A grade in my third A level by one mark. I came into WT to the head of UCAS, who already had a plan for me for the next steps, which was not only helpful but extremely comforting. Although I didn’t get into my first choice, I still made it into King’s which is a top university for my course (Sport Science) which isn’t even a subject offered at WT but they did all the research to give me the best advice when applying to universities.

My Psychology and Economics teachers were honestly the best teachers I have ever had. They structured the teaching to what works for me and gave me constant feedback throughout the year, whilst also building a great relationship. The flexible timetable was great for me and for anyone with a commute.

I would highly recommend Westminster Tutors for not only retake students but anyone looking to study for 6th form.”


cife Scholarships

The Westminster Tutors CIFE Scholarship is an academic award which takes the form of £3,000 fees remission. It is offered to one full-time A-level student who wishes to enter our sixth form. Applicants must have at least 6 predicted/ achieved GCSE grades of 7 and higher. Initial enquiries should be made direct to the Principal. A reference from the current school and an interview will be required.

The Westminster Tutors CIFE bursary is a means-tested academic award which takes the form of £5,000 fees remission. It is offered to one full-time A-level student who wishes to enter our sixth form. Applicants should have at least 6 predicted/ achieved GCSE grades 7 and higher, although contextual factors will also be taken into consideration. Initial enquiries should be made direct to the Principal. A reference from the current school and an interview will be required.