How much are fees at cife colleges?

Each college sets its own fees. Comparing fees at cife colleges, like comparing fees between independent schools more broadly isn’t always straightforward. Most colleges charge a fee that depends upon the number and level of the subjects you take. Some also charge a different fee for international students. And if you need accommodation, that will probably be charged separately, and is likely to vary according to what is provided. Colleges vary in what their standard fees cover: some include all normal costs, while at others ‘extras’ may increase the actual charges significantly.

So, it’s not possible to provide a simple table of fees here. You will have to contact individual colleges to get an accurate idea of costs. However, to help you get started the table below provides a link to each college’s fee page, and an email link to make it easy to send an enquiry.

Why are some college fees higher than others?

Fees at cife colleges differ for lots of reasons. Some colleges teach in smaller classes, or provide more individual support. That adds to their staff costs. Other operate in more expensive cities, so their buildings cost more. Student accommodation costs vary for similar reasons.

If you need financial help in order to study at a cife college, do have a look at Help with Fees at cife colleges.

CollegeLink to college fees pageEmail the college
Bath AcademyLink to Bath Academy Fees pageEmail Bath Academy
MPW BirminghamLink to MPW Birmingham Fees pageEmail MPW Birmingham
CATS CambridgeLink to CATS Fees pageEmail CATS
MPW CambridgeLink to MPW Cambridge Fees pageEmail MPW Cambridge
The Worthgate School – CanterburyLink to the Worthgate School Fees pageEmail the Worthgate School
Ashbourne Independent College – LondonLink to Ashbourne College Fees pageEmail Ashbourne
Bales College – LondonLink to Bales Fees pageEmail Bales
Cambridge Tutors College – LondonLink to CTC Fees pageEmail Cambridge Tutors
Guildhouse School  – LondonLink to Guildhouse School Fees pageEmail Guildhouse School
Collingham Independent College – LondonLink to Collingham Fees pageEmail Collingham
David Game College – LondonLink to David Game College Fees pageEmail David Game College
LSI Independent College – LondonLink to LSI fees pageEmail LSI
MPW LondonLink to MPW London Fees pageEmail MPW London
Westminster Tutors – LondonLink to Westminster Tutors Fees pageEmail Westminster Tutors
Brooke House – Market HarboroughLink to Brooke House Fees pageEmail Brooke House
Bosworth Independant School- NorthamptonLink to Bosworth College Fees pageEmail Bosworth College
Carfax – OxfordLink to Carfax Fees pageEmail Carfax Oxford
Cherwell College – OxfordLink to Cherwell Fees pageEmail Cherwell College
Oxford Sixth Form CollegeLink to OSFC Fees pageEmail Oxford Sixth Form College
Padworth College – ReadingLink to Padworth Fees pageEmail Padworth College
Rochester Independent CollegeLink to RIC Fees pageEmail Rochester Independent College